Month: March 2014

The Servant 6

Officer Eve Bousquet woke up just before sunrise. Trish was still asleep. That morning was the very last time she would have the luxury of sleeping while her Mistress was awake. Starting on Friday, she’d have to wake up and have her owner’s breakfast ready and her uniform cleaned and pressed. However, there was no […]

The Servant 7

The following day, Friday, was uneventful. It was typical for any day her Mistress had to work: Trish got up and served breakfast, then went next door and spent the day picking mangos and other fruit from the two yards. She learned how to cook a couple of new food items and how to wash […]

A Visit to the Doctor

It was a warm, spring afternoon back in the year of 1959 and at that time, here in the United States, there were no sexual harassment laws. My fiancee and I were to be married and it was a state law that you had to have a blood test before the marriage. My fiancee was […]

Doctor Teaches Me To Love Myself

It’s a trip that I have been waiting to make for a very long time, but haven’t had the guts to do it. Today I am swallowing my pride and doing it, regardless of what anxiety I may be feeling. The doctors waiting office is welcoming and the seats are relatively comfortable. But I just […]

Me and Dr. Stephanie

When I was 19, I needed a work physical for a construction job. I didn’t have a regular doctor and my money was tight. But, luckily, my mother was friends with Dr. Stephanie, a general practitioner. Dr. Stephanie was at my mom’s house and when my mother brought up the subject, Dr. Stephanie volunteered to […]

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